The Inner Bottom Line ® ..where Choices & Values meet

“The Miracle 95 Feet in the Air”

July 27th, 2014   •   no comments   
“The Miracle 95 Feet in the Air”

Dear Olive, I love your new column. I met you a few months ago but had no idea you did this. My impression of you then and now is a woman positive about life and able to make things better. I admire that. I used to be that way, but lately, I feel discouraged a lot, even depressed, what with the daily news and how distant and rude people have become. I try not to listen all day, but with social media, it seems every hour some awful thing takes place in the world. When I was little, I had [ Read More ]

“Ultimatums are Tricky”

June 2nd, 2014   •   no comments   
“Ultimatums are Tricky”

Dear Olive, My girlfriend just cancelled her marriage at the last minute, and it’s made me nervous about my own situation. I know several girls who married even though they knew there were problems. They all ended up divorced. I don’t want to make that mistake. I’ve dated Paul for three years. We’ve lived together eighteen months and he’s a great guy, but I want to get married. I’m thirty and it’s time. Even though Paul tells me he loves me, he gets weird whenever I mention anything that suggests commitment. If we get flack from friends who want to [ Read More ]

“Keeping Up With the Guys”

May 18th, 2014   •   no comments   

Dear Olive, I’m a guy in my thirties who was successful until now. I’m in sales, make a lot of money doing something I love, I’m still crazy about my wife, and my kids are doing great in school. I’ve also had loyal buddies since my twenties who’ve stuck together and while that’s a source of pride, everything is changing and that’s got me pissed off. The company I’ve been with for seven years went under last month, and I’m out of a job. It’s not easy to find something else that pays as well. What makes things harder is [ Read More ]

“Exceeding All Expectations”

April 22nd, 2014   •   no comments   
“Exceeding All Expectations”

I’ve been saying for years that the only word in the English language that should be obliterated is “expectations.” I continue to feel that way, as it’s a word that sets us up for disappointment and implies that the responsibility for us to be happy or satisfied lies elsewhere. However, in this rare, set-aside moment, I’m going to use it – lavishly – while sharing with you an experience a few weeks ago that literally blew my socks off. Over the past two years, since they hit the market, I’ve bought and happily worn a number of NYDJ jeans (Not [ Read More ]

“What’s Your House of Cards Made Of?”

April 7th, 2014   •   no comments   
“What’s Your House of Cards Made Of?”

Like so many other folks I know, I’ve finally gotten hooked on “House of Cards,” the amazing series on Netflix. The work is exceptional on every level – writing, production, music, cast, cinematography, and concept. And since I can now watch it on demand, I’ve already spent seven hours during the past two weeks watching; devouring it, both as a screenwriter and as an average audience member, as I moved from chapter to chapter, at will, savoring the ability to move on to the next segment whenever I wanted to without having to wait a week or a month wondering [ Read More ]

“Scarcity or Abundance”

March 29th, 2014   •   no comments   

I had my own ethical dilemma this week during which I got a good look as well as a healthy reminder about the choices we get when faced with a difficult moment and have the chance to take the higher road. Now we all know that one likes to have their back up against the wall with seemingly no place to go. No one likes to have to reveal, especially to a stranger much less a friend, that they’re lacking in anything – resources, answers, cleverness, courage, etc. And no one enjoys being stripped down, figuratively, in front of others, [ Read More ]

“While You’re Spring Cleaning, You Might…”

March 11th, 2014   •   no comments   
“While You’re Spring Cleaning, You Might…”

In the past week, at least three clients have said to me, “I’m so ready to start taking things apart and clean out the clutter. It always makes me feel better.” Spring cleaning. Simplifying. Organizing. Music to my ears. As well as a prompt for the sun to come out and show me the way to those ever-present smudges on the windows that are invisible when it’s raining and gloomy. Now I recognize for some that the mere idea of straightening anything is depressing, even unnecessary. But for a much greater percentage of us, there seems to be an [ Read More ]

“Will You Be Mine?”

February 12th, 2014   •   no comments   
“Will You Be Mine?”

If you are a part of any culture that celebrates St. Valentine’s Day in one form or another , this is a question as old as time. It’s one that most of us, in some secret part of our heart, dreams of being asked for real at least once in our life. And it’s one that’s going to be echoed over and over again during the next few days – on the air, in social media, and on the street. Along with advice about what to give your loved one, what to wear for that special night, where to dine [ Read More ]

“I’m More Than Mad as Hell.”

February 9th, 2014   •   no comments   
“I’m More Than Mad as Hell.”

“I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” God bless, Howard Beale. And Paddy Chayefsky. And this morning, Maureen Dowd in the Sunday NY Times. I couldn’t say it any better. The thing is, I’m so far beyond mad. I’m exhausted. Exhausted from buoying up everyone else, along with myself, with words of encouragement, optimism, hope, determination, and surety. It takes every ounce of conscious will and energy to keep that fatigue from dissolving into defeat and depression. Which, of course, is what makes me a cock-eyed optimist than a dark soul certain the world will [ Read More ]

“Suddenly, The Air Changed”

January 28th, 2014   •   no comments   
“Suddenly, The Air Changed”

Last Saturday, I arose in the dark, dressed quickly, gathered up a small suitcase and carry-on, placed my sleepy puppy in the car for the short ride to my daughter’s where she once again snuggled under the covers and returned to her endless, happy dream, and with the help of my darling daughter, headed to Portland’s airport and an early Alaska Airlines flight to Los Angles. The trip was delightful and easy filled by an unexpected conversation with my seatmate who turned out to be a smart, kind mom of three as well as a fifth-grade teacher. By the time [ Read More ]