The Inner Bottom Line ® ..where Choices & Values meet

About Olive Gallagher

olive gallagher

Executive Coach Olive Gallagher

Life & Relationship Coach, Ethicist, and Creative Director Olive Gallagher is CEO and Founder of Personal Best®, an ethics consultancy and it’s  creative division, Creative Infusion, a creative brand marketing agency specializing in consistent, accountable brand messages and delivery. The Inner Bottom Line®  was created as an award-winning personal interview television series produced and hosted by Olive beginning in 1988 and focused on personal power and accountability. In 1996 it was transformed into a Q&A print column that tackled ethical dilemmas and personal choices, moved into national syndication in 2000. Along with becoming the national ethics columnist for, Olive penned this column for a number of  various sites until 2014. Today, she continues to write exclusive columns for magazines and newspapers.

Along with her ongoing writing, Olive also hosted the national weekly radio show version of The Inner Bottom Line every Wednesday evening at 7 PM (PST) on from 2011-2013 and returned to the air briefly in 2019 to address some pressing issues including the Me Too movement.

Focusing on values and choices, personal accountability, boundaries, and Responsible Power,™ her work and writings have earned her a reputation as a highly skilled, innovative ethicist, writer, creative director and trusted media expert.

She has also been a much sought-after keynote speaker and author, focusing since it’s publication in 2004 on her book,  The Nude Ethicist: A Simple Path to The Good Life,™ now available in hard cover, Kindle and audio on  Olive continues to consult with companies, big and small, and coaches individuals and couples in private session on relationship, decision-making and accountability.

“In or out of the office, it’s never just about business. It always comes down to a relationship. That’s why everything, ultimately, is personal.” Olive explains, “A typical client carries a multitude of responsibilities, obligations and expectations. They often face major life changes, tough decisions, ethical dilemmas or difficult personal choices involving challenges as diverse as a disrespectful boss or co-worker, a spouse or partner who cheats on or neglects them, a huge business challenge that makes them question their ability to meet expectations, financial debt, aging or illness and the changes and losses that come with these transitions, or family members who criticize their choices and life style.”

Olive adds, “I consider it a privilege to assist individuals of all ages who want to acquire effective, common sense options, perspectives and tools to reduce the stress, take back control, simplify issues, communicate better, and be heard and respected.”

Olive holds a BA in Humanities from Case Western Reserve, an MFA in Screenwriting from the American Film Institute, and attended the Executive Program for Small Companies (EPSC) at Stanford School of Business. She’s delivered training and coaching seminars, retreats, speeches and programs for hundreds of companies including Toyota, P&G, PG&E, IBM, IDG, the National Association of Realtors, Pacific Bell, The Forum for Corporate Directors, and Canyon Ranch Spas. In addition, her creative division clients include Gallo, Lucent,, The Learning Company and

“Not only do your values determine the choices you make,” Olive notes. “Your choices determine the value of your life.”

At the end of your life, you will never be remembered or judged by how much money you made. People will remember you for the integrity with which you chose to live your life and the promises you made that you kept.”