The Inner Bottom Line ® ..where Choices & Values meet

Personal Best Interconnected Services

Consulting Services
The Inner Bottom Line®™ helps companies and people deliver on the promise by utilizing an ethical, holistic approach focused on connecting and aligning the brand and message with the customer experience and delivering that promise with consistency, accountability and integrity.

Clients have included Toyota, IDG, IBM, Avon, SAG, Gibraltar Savings, Executive Life, P&G, PG&E, Pacific Bell, Telefora, Supercuts, Department of Labor, Coldwell Banker, National Association of Realtors, The Forum for Corporate Directors, Rockwell International, Western Athletic Clubs, and Canyon Ranch Spas.


Private Executive Coaching Sessions
Using the common-sense philosophy and premises found in her syndicated columns, The Inner Bottom Line, and her book, The Nude Ethicist: A Simple Path to The Good Life™, Olive helps individuals who want to live a more satisfying life with less stress, more clarity, a healthier balance in work and home, better control, defined boundaries and good choices.


Brand Advertising and Marketing Tools
For those clients interested in supporting and extending their message with tangible tools, Creative Infusion, the creative resources division of Personal Best,  imagines and executes branding campaigns that include print, promotional, production, package, commercial, radio, TV, film, and collateral solutions. Clients have included Gallo, Lucent and The Learning Company.

You can visit to view CI’s Portfolio.


For more information on these service areas or to explore booking Olive to deliver a custom seminar, retreat program, or keynote speech to your organization, please contact Personal Best at (503) 908-7842.