The Inner Bottom Line ® ..where Choices & Values meet

DC Pied Piper Redux

June 7th, 2019   •   Comments Off on DC Pied Piper Redux   
DC Pied Piper Redux

Yesterday, a rather unexpected and amazing thing occurred. My office received a call from a gentleman who lives in Albuquerque, NM. He had searched for me online and somehow found the current office number. He wanted to reach out because he had been going through some old papers and found a copy of a column of mine that was published in The Santa Fe New Mexican paper in 2004 with the headline “Understand Boundaries When Dealing with Power.” He said he was stunned how current the piece was in reflecting the state of affairs in this country today and just [ Read More ]

“What’s Your House of Cards Made Of?”

April 7th, 2014   •   no comments   
“What’s Your House of Cards Made Of?”

Like so many other folks I know, I’ve finally gotten hooked on “House of Cards,” the amazing series on Netflix. The work is exceptional on every level – writing, production, music, cast, cinematography, and concept. And since I can now watch it on demand, I’ve already spent seven hours during the past two weeks watching; devouring it, both as a screenwriter and as an average audience member, as I moved from chapter to chapter, at will, savoring the ability to move on to the next segment whenever I wanted to without having to wait a week or a month wondering [ Read More ]

“Lancing Lance”

January 18th, 2013   •   no comments   

There’s not a lot to say about Lance Armstrong and the mess in which he now finds himself that isn’t already being written and screamed about on every media channel. Pundits and talking heads have been having a field day with this since Lance first announced he was finally going to admit to doping while cycling, and with the TV interview with Oprah Winfrey airing tonight, the noise will continue to go on indefinitely. Thursday morning, another key, devastating blow fell when the IOC announced it was stripping Lance of the Olympic Medal he won in 2000 in Sydney, Australia. [ Read More ]