April 1, 2014
Julia Botts (503) 908-7842
Lake Oswego, OR – On April 1, 2014, Olive Gallagher, ethicist, life coach and founder/CEO of Personal Best®, announced the formation of a new group, focused on Stress Management.
The group will run for six weeks, be limited to 6 – 8 people, and will examine the harmful impact of stress in our lives, providing insights and tools to simplify choices, clarify values and improve communication and relationship building.
“Doing ongoing, private, one-on-one work on The Inner Bottom Line® is invaluable. Private work allows an individual a safe place to work at their own pace. With nothing to hinder their willingness and desire to explore every facet of their life, amazing, lasting results do occur,” Gallagher explained.
“Equally, however, group work can elicit a special component, sometimes magical, that occurs when a group comes together, sharing thoughts, ideas, disappointments, confusion, and frustrations along with hopes and dreams. Participating in a group, which like the private work, never allows judgments, right or wrong, or good and bad into the room, can provide a sense of connection, camaraderie and support that’s unique and lasting,” Gallagher added.
“And in an equally safe, quiet setting, where insights and discoveries often occur just from listening as someone else’s dilemmas or conflicts are aired and considered, the outcomes and payoffs can prove to be both enervating and freeing.”
The cost for each session is $25 and requires a full commitment of six weeks. Gallagher will facilitate the group. As more people sign up, new groupings will be created.
In addition, Gallagher’s classes on The Inner Bottom Line twice a month on Thursdays from 9-11 AM at the Lake Oswego Adult Community Center continue on into the summer. Her April classes, scheduled April 10th and 17th, will concentrate on Relationships, with the May 15th and 22nd focusing on Aging and Loss, followed by an in-depth exploration of Accepting Loss and Letting Go on June 12th and 19th.
Gallagher, author of The Nude Ethicist: A Simple Path to The Good Life™, is a 2009 Screenwriting Fellow of the American Film Institute Conservatory where her thesis film, “Blame It On My Youth,” won a Sloan Scholarship Award. She holds a BA in Humanities from Case Western Reserve University, attended the EPSC Program at Stanford Graduate School of Business and is a seasoned creative director, speaker, writer, editor, and senior brand marketing/advertising executive.
Along with her private life coaching practice, Gallagher consults with companies, pens The Inner Bottom Line column found in the national edition of examiner.com, and and with her voice now recovered, plans to return to hosting The Inner Bottom Line weekly radio show on blogtalkradio in the early summer.
To sign up for the Stress Management group or for more information, please call (503) 908-7842 or visit www.theinnerbottomline.com.