Tag: Romney
For eight years, ever since that electrifying moment at the DNC convention when you were first introduced to the nation and I listened to you deliver that iconic speech , I’ve known. It was that simple. I knew, without a doubt, in an instant, like I always do with really key moments and people, that someone had come onto the public scene that would change things. I sensed that my country had suddenly been given the gift of an extraordinary man and leader possessing brilliance, wisdom, common sense, and heart; a man with his feet planted firmly on the ground, [ Read More ]
We provide custom consulting and coaching services that focus on the relationship between values and choices, and explore the ethical use of power and control.
These seminars, training sessions and lectures have helped thousands of individuals and companies, large and small, improve leadership, accountability, communications, customer relations and productivity with measurable results that have directly impacted their bottom line.
Toyota, P&G, PG&E, IBM, Pacific Bell, Telefora, Santa Fe Public School System, New Mexico State Library Association, Supercuts, Department of Labor, National Association of Realtors, Coldwell Banker, The Forum for Corporate Directors, Rockwell International, Western Athletic Clubs, Canyon Ranch Spas, Gibraltar Savings, Patelco, Executive Life, and the EMBA Programs at USC, UCLA, Pepperdine and USF.
For more information on how we can provide seminars, private coaching and training, lectures and keynote speeches for you, email us at [email protected].
…when a good idea isn’t good enough.
CI has been creating award-winning brand marketing campaigns and concepts for decades. Our clients include Gallo, Lucent, Softbank, The Learning Company, ClubPhoto. com, AllAdvantage.com, AOL, Disney.com, the American Heart Association, and Filoli.
We believe that words are important. So choose them wisely. And keep the promises you make.
For more information, please contact [email protected].