Dear O, The other day, after an inspection on a home I have listed that ran late which made me double late picking up my kids from a soccer game and driving them to dance class, all the while praying for inspiration for a dinner menu my husband and kids would actually all like and then realizing I’d forgotten to pick up my dress at the dry cleaner for an important dinner on Saturday, I realized I can’t keep doing this much longer this way. Then I remembered reading a column of yours years ago about having no time and [ Read More ]
It’s a strange time out there in the universe right now. I’ve been listening and watching and mulling these past few weeks, and in his latest and brilliant State of the Union message, even President Obama referred to the pointless, non-productive game of “gotcha” too often played in Washington for political points. Now, it’s not like the game of “gotcha” has just been invented. I imagine it may have been going on ever since one caveman decided to steal another neighbor’s better and hotter fire. And certainly, how it all plays out in our present condition continues to evolve [ Read More ]
With a fresh new year and beginning in front of us, I’m constantly reminded of the remarkable resilience we have to recover, re-form, reinstate and recommit our best intentions and loftiest goals. And I’m also reminded, every year at this time, by so many of my readers, of how the same questions arise, year after year, many of them heartbreaking and touching but oh, so familiar. Whether the resolution is focused on how to lose weight or keep things neater or save more money or get sober, they cover everything, big and small. What all of these wants share is [ Read More ]
Dear Readers; I don’t write my column to present an opinion that is the end-all, be-all of answers. In fact, I avoid ever telling anyone what to do as there is never any “answer” to any problem or dilemma. And for each of us, the best choice will be different. Nor do I present myself as an expert on all things. I focus on one thing only; helping others understand how to make ethical decisions that are best for their life and those they love. Period. My concern, my sole concern, on The Inner Bottom Line, is to help the [ Read More ]
The Inner Bottom Line ® A Column on Personal Choices & Ethical Dilemmas by Olive Gallagher Dear Olive, Thanks for your column about cell phones. I’ve got a major pet peeve of my own about people that text while driving. The other day I was heading home on I-5 and counted at least four drivers busy texting. All while going at least sixty plus mph! I was so furious I wanted to take a photo so I could show our local police but then I realized I’d be doing the same thing if I did. What are these irresponsible idiots [ Read More ]
Dear Olive, My girlfriend just cancelled her marriage at the last minute, and it’s made me nervous about my own situation. I know several girls who married even though they knew there were problems. They all ended up divorced. I don’t want to make that mistake. I’ve dated Paul for three years. We’ve lived together eighteen months and he’s a great guy, but I want to get married. I’m thirty and it’s time. Even though Paul tells me he loves me, he gets weird whenever I mention anything that suggests commitment. If we get flack from friends who want to [ Read More ]
Dear Olive, I’m a guy in my thirties who was successful until now. I’m in sales, make a lot of money doing something I love, I’m still crazy about my wife, and my kids are doing great in school. I’ve also had loyal buddies since my twenties who’ve stuck together and while that’s a source of pride, everything is changing and that’s got me pissed off. The company I’ve been with for seven years went under last month, and I’m out of a job. It’s not easy to find something else that pays as well. What makes things harder is [ Read More ]
I’ve been saying for years that the only word in the English language that should be obliterated is “expectations.” I continue to feel that way, as it’s a word that sets us up for disappointment and implies that the responsibility for us to be happy or satisfied lies elsewhere. However, in this rare, set-aside moment, I’m going to use it – lavishly – while sharing with you an experience a few weeks ago that literally blew my socks off. Over the past two years, since they hit the market, I’ve bought and happily worn a number of NYDJ jeans (Not [ Read More ]
April 1, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Julia Botts (503) 908-7842 [email protected] Lake Oswego, OR – On April 1, 2014, Olive Gallagher, ethicist, life coach and founder/CEO of Personal Best®, announced the formation of a new group, focused on Stress Management. The group will run for six weeks, be limited to 6 – 8 people, and will examine the harmful impact of stress in our lives, providing insights and tools to simplify choices, clarify values and improve communication and relationship building. “Doing ongoing, private, one-on-one work on The Inner Bottom Line® is invaluable. Private work allows an individual a safe [ Read More ]