Even though I’m still on medical leave and am not supposed to be spending time sitting at my desk and writing, I wanted to share a few personal observations as I prepare to make another long-distance move in two weeks to a new place, a new city, a new life and a new way of being. So many of us today are consumed with consuming. It’s what one of the key premises in my book, “A Simple Path to The Good Life,” is all about. Maybe the “good” life we’ve been chasing is not so good for us after all. [ Read More ]
In the stunning wake of Monday’s bombings in Boston, I received a number of messages asking me if I would consider repeating one more time the column I wrote on September 12, 2001 that was published in my book in the chapter, Lost Boundaries. While our country’s ability to muster well-honed emergency and forensic support for horrific moments like this has improved significantly, I couldn’t help but wonder at what cost to our peace of mind and liberty, along with how many times I will have to re-iterate the following thoughts because, in the end, the questions remain the same: [ Read More ]
Since I’m only two weeks post neck surgery, and still unable to do very much, I’ll make this brief and to the point. We’ve all heard about the Rutger’s coaching scandal and the subsequent outrage and fall out. Now, many days after the videos first surfaced, some of the people involved have been fired or resigned. While the university is preparing to investigate the incidents for a second time, Governor Christie has firmly backed the President of the institution, the coach and athletic director have walked away with huge severance packages, and the furor overall seems to be dying down. [ Read More ]
It’s hard for any of us to really take seriously the idea that a minute, an hour, a day, or a week from now, we could be dead. While we might talk about the prospect of it on occasion with a good friend or family member – a conversation usually prompted by the death of someone close or after seeing something in the news – it’s a surreal concept that generally doesn’t register personally. Yet, the moment the horrific tale of the man in Florida being swallowed by a sinkhole hit the headlines, the story took off like a rocket, [ Read More ]
The media has been buzzing and swarming fanatically ever since the first headlines appeared about Oscar Pistorius and the alleged premeditated murder of his model girlfriend, Reeva Stenkamp. The mere fact that those inflammatory words were used in the initial headlines indicate the judgmental, knee-jerk, and disturbing inclination today by the court of public opinion to decide who did what when, where and why as soon as a body is discovered, using words, such as premeditated and accused and murderer, that are potent enough to taint any jury pool anywhere in the world in any language. When I read the [ Read More ]
For over a year, media and pundits alike talked themselves into a frenzy as they counted down the days until we reached the “fiscal cliff” that would catapult us into unimaginable instability or the future moment when, armed with our own customized designer automatic rifle with matching carry-case, we’d shoot everyone we knew including ourselves in the foot based on the appalling statistics that now make America the homicide nation in the world. Wow. What a distinctive title. Growing up, I imagined as an American there would be a number of wonderful claims I could make while traveling abroad – [ Read More ]
Perhaps many of you don’t know that The Inner Bottom Line® was created in 1988 as the first television series on family values in the US. We aired from Los Angeles monthly and from the very first one, I was blessed with the presence of guests who were all, in their unique ways, incredibly accomplished individuals; people like Joe Jacobs, who identified both Vitamin C and penicillin prior to founding Jacobs Engineering, and talents like Theodore Bikel, gifted actor and musician, who I invited on the show to honor and discuss his work and legacy with Amnesty International. Because of [ Read More ]
This is an open love letter to the survivors of Hurricane Sandy and all of those touched by this disaster. And that, actually, includes us all, for no matter how much in the middle or on the sidelines of something like this we stand, its impact hits everyone, and in this moment of national pain and challenge, it will take us all to move forward together to heal and recovery. The Inner Bottom Line ® A Column on Personal Choices & Ethical Dilemmas by Olive Gallagher November 1, 2012 “Getting On…Not Getting Over” In light of the utter, incomprehensible devastation [ Read More ]
Dear Readers, Due to the horrific, unconscionable statements, implications and outright lies made by a number of GOP figures in the past few weeks and days, I feel compelled to reprint my column from its first run in the National Edition of Examiner.com in April 2011. The Inner Bottom Line ® A Column on Personal Choices & Ethical Dilemmas by Olive Gallagher Growing up in the 50s and 60s, I was aware of a number of unwritten rules. Rules like, no matter how angry you were or how badly you’d been treated, there was a place and time to express [ Read More ]
If you want to see what happens to the souls, choices and lives of people who ignore, dishonor and disrespect their better instincts and completely over-ride The Inner Bottom Line, tune into “Boss” on Starz with Kelsey Grammer. It’s a chilling, dark tale of greed, power, and deeply unhappy people that is brilliant conceived and incredibly well written, produced and acted.